Bylaws of the Northeastern Idaho Beekeepers Association

2024 Bylaws of the Northeastern Idaho Beekeepers Association

Adopted: January 22, 2024

Bylaw 2024-001

Section 1: During 2024, the Northeastern Idaho Beekeepers Association will meet the 1st Thursday of January, February, March, April, May, June, August, September, October, and November for a regularly scheduled Association meeting.  The meeting will be held on the 2nd Thursday in July because of the July 4th holiday.  We will not be holding a meeting in December.
Section 2: Unless otherwise determined, the location of the meeting will be the Jefferson School District office in Rigby; 3850 E 300 N, Rigby Idaho.
Section 3: The time of the meetings will be 7:00 – 8:00 pm.
Section 4: Notification to members of each meeting will be provided approximately one (1) week prior to the meeting.  Notifications will be made by the Secretary/Treasurer of the Association.  Notifications may be made electronically.
Section 5 Changes to the meeting time and place may be made by notification of the members prior to the meeting.
Section 6: This Bylaw will become effective when adopted.

Bylaw 2024-002

Section 1: For calendar year 2024, the Northeastern Idaho Beekeepers Association dues for individuals or families will be $20.00 (twenty dollars) per year.
Section 2: Families are defined as members of the same immediate family (father, mother, husband, wife, partner, children).
Section 3: Dues for 2024 will be payable by May 15, 2024 or when a new member joins, whichever is later.
Section 4: Dues will not be prorated based on when a member joins the Association.
Section 5: Dues may be paid by cash, check, or electronic transfer.
Section 6: This Bylaw will become effective when adopted.

Bylaw 2024-003

Section 1: The Board of Directors will establish a budget of projected revenues and proposed expenses for the Association for calendar year 2024 and report on these to the members at the January 2024 meeting for ratification.
Section 2: Association expenses may be paid electronically using Venmo or a debit card.
Section 3: This Bylaw will become effective when adopted.